Check out this site for a handy AppleScript to manage changing between Apple’s Software Update Servers and a local Software Update server running on a Mac OS X on your own network.
While the above script has served it’s purpose, I have had to extend it to work with Snow Leopard:
display dialog "Set Update Server" buttons {"Cancel", "Apple", "Local"} default button 3 if the button returned of the result is "Local" then tell application "System Events" set OSVersion to do shell script "sw_vers -productVersion" end tell if OSVersion starts with "10.4" then -- set up Tiger thing set catalogURLValue to "" else if OSVersion starts with "10.5" then -- set up Leopard thing set catalogURLValue to "" else if OSVersion starts with "10.6" then -- set up Snow Leopard thing set catalogURLValue to "" else --bail, because it's panther or less return end if do shell script "defaults write /Library/Preferences/ CatalogURL " & catalogURLValue else do shell script "defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ CatalogURL" end if