Local IT Solutions

  • Ruby and MySQL on Snow Leopard Server


  • Software Update AppleScript [Updated]

    Check out this site for a handy AppleScript to manage changing between Apple’s Software Update Servers and a local Software Update server running on a Mac OS X on your own network.

  • Insanely Annoying SQL Server Web Database Problem

    Well… I have been working with a customer all afternoon trying to get a MSSQL Database uploaded from their office server to a web hosting environment. Check this out: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/01/11/tip-trick-how-to-upload-a-sql-file-to-a-hoster-and-execute-it-to-deploy-a-sql-database.aspx

  • MikroTik

    MikroTik has been developing, installing and selling wireless routers since 1995. MikroTik’s current software product, MikroTik RouterOS v4, is a software router system which makes it easy for any VAR, ISP, or network admin to make a PC router for wireless, wide area, or local area networks. RouterOS 5 is available now, although not for…

  • MIME Decoding of a screwed up email message

    On a server I run for a customer, I have MailScanner (don’t flame me.. it works!) configure to parse their incoming email. Anyway, one of their messages got clobbered by MailScanner and rather than quarantining the attachments as it normally does, it quarantined the whole message, and they needed the file from within the message.

  • Leopard and Snow Leopard Cron Jobs


  • Snow Leopard Mail “Copy Address” Preferences

    After being frustrated about the “Copy Address” function within Mail 4 in Mac OS X 10.6, I have found a solution: http://macdaddyworld.com/2009/09/14/fixing-copy-address-in-mail-on-10-6 Basically, the trick is to go to Terminal and do the following: defaults write com.apple.mail AddressesIncludeNameOnPasteboard -bool NO Hope that helps someone!

  • Debian Key Updates

    If you are trying to do a Debian “apt-get update” or equiv. and you get a key issue… try the following commands: gpg –keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu –recv-key 9AA38DCD55BE302B gpg -a –export 9AA38DCD55BE302B | sudo apt-key add – Note you might need to change the key identifier to get the particular key you are missing!

  • Apple Stores offline – is Snow Leopard coming? [Updated]

    [Updated 30 minutes later:] Yep – Snow Leopard is “shipping” on August 28, 2009. Good work Apple!

  • Serial Console for Mac OS X

    I have been using “screen /dev/tty.xxxxxxxxxxx” for sometime now, but then stumbled upon this old macosxhints.com page: http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20061109133825654 Check it out if you still have to occasionally use a serial port.

  • Debian Linux and SunFire T2000

    Well… with a Friday afternoon to spare, I have taken the plunge and decided to nut out all the implications for installing Linux on a SunFire T2000.

  • JavaScript Gallery

    I have just found possibly the easiest and fastest gallery to get going ever! http://www.gcmingati.net/wordpress/wp-content/lab/jquery/imagestrip/imageslide-plugin.html Check it out… and all credit to Gian Carlo Mingati.

  • Windows Administrator Local Logon Issue

    If you get yourself in the unfortunate position of having changed the privileges of Administrator such that you can no longer log in as Administrator either locally or as a service… check this out! There is a way around, given that you’ve got another Windows machine you can put the hard drive into. Warning: this…

  • Quote of the Day

    If you’re eating it and its so hot that you’re hating life, then you’ve probably put too much chilli in…

  • Shift “S” and Mac OS X

    One of my friends just chatted me online – the “Shift-S” keyboard sequence wasn’t working. The “s” key works normally, it works with “Caps Lock, s”, but just not with either of the Shift keys. I suggested that she unplug and replug the keyboard, and eventually I resigned to even rebooting the Mac. Turns out…